How to async/await in Rust: An Introduction

How to async/await in Rust: An Introduction

Using Tokio as runtime


10 min read

TL;DR Le code

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In this blog post, we will explore how to use the async/await syntax in Rust ๐Ÿฆ€. We will create a simple example and then gradually add more complexity. At the end we will add the Tokio runtime and see how to use it.


Before we start, we need to make sure we have the following tools installed:

  • Rust
  • An IDE or text editor of your choice
  • A Kubernetes cluster, I use Docker Desktop for Mac. You can use whatever you prefer.

The Kubernetes part is just for the demo, you don't need it to follow along about the async/await syntax.

Initialise The Project

cargo init

We will add the kube and k8s-openapi crates to our demo project. The usage of these libraries are not in the focus of this article. In the future, I will write an article on how to use Rust ๐Ÿฆ€ to interact with Kubernetes.

For now, just let us add the crates to our project using the following commands:

cargo add kube --features default, derive
cargo add k8s-openapi --features v1_24

async/await In Rust

The async/await syntax is a way to write asynchronous code in Rust ๐Ÿฆ€. To demonstrate how it works, we will start with following code:

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

fn get_my_pods() {
    println!("Get all my pods in default namespace");

Let's make the get_my_pods function asynchronous. We will use the async keyword to do that:

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

async fn get_my_pods() {
    println!("Get all my pods in default namespace");

In Rust ๐Ÿฆ€ async/wait is a special syntax that allows us to write functions, closures, and blocks that can be paused and yield control back to the caller. This allows other parts of the program to run while the async function is waiting and pick up where it left off when it is ready to continue.

One advantage of using async/await syntax is that allows us to write code which looks like synchronous code.

The async/await syntax is similar to the on in other languages like JavaScript or C# with some key differences.

The async keyword is actually syntactic sugar for a function similar to this:

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

fn get_my_pods() -> impl Future<Output=()> {
    println!("Get all my pods in default namespace");

//async fn get_my_pods() {
//    println!("Get all my pods in default namespace");

Async functions are a special kind of function that return a value that implements the Future trait. The Future output type is the type that is returned by the function after it has completed. In our case, we are not returning anything, so we use the () type.

A simplified version of the Future trait looks like this:

trait Future {
    type Output;
    fn poll(&mut self, wake: fn()) -> Poll<Self::Output>;

enum Poll<T> {

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

fn get_my_pods() -> impl Future<Output=()> {
    println!("Get all my pods in default namespace");

A Future is a simple state machine which can be polled to check if it is ready or not. The poll method returns an enumeration with two possible values: Ready or Pending. It also accepts a callback function called wake.

If calling th poll method returns pending then the Future will continue making progress in the background until it is ready to get polled again. The wake callback function is used to notify the executor that the Future is ready to be polled again.

In Javascript this is similar to Promises, expect in Rust ๐Ÿฆ€ futures are lazy and don't start executing unless they are driven to completion by being polled.

Futures could be driven to completion by either awaiting them or giving them to an executor.

Let's see how we can await a future in Rust ๐Ÿฆ€. We will add another function called get_all_pods_in_namespace which will print the name of all the pods in a given namespace:

async fn get_all_pods_in_namespace(namespace: &str) -> ObjectList<Pod> {
    println!("Get all my pods in a namespace {}", namespace);
    let client = Client::try_default().await;
    let api = Api::<Pod>::namespaced(client.unwrap(), namespace);
    let lp = ListParams::default();

In our function get_my_pods we will call the get_all_pods_in_namespace function for two namespaces and print the number of pods in each namespace. We will use the await keyword to wait for the future to complete.

async fn get_my_pods() {
    println!("Get all my pods");
    let pods1 = get_all_pods_in_namespace("default").await;
    println!("Got {} pods", pods1.items.len());
    let pods2 = get_all_pods_in_namespace("kube-system").await;
    println!("Got {} pods", pods2.items.len());

This is what allows us to write asynchronous code that looks like synchronous code. The await keyword will also pause the execution of the current function yielding control back to the runtime.

To understand how this works, imagine the process of calling get_my_pods as a state machine being an enum with three states:

enum FutureStateMachine {

When get_my_pods is first called, all the code in the function is executed until the first await point. The future will return the Pending state because it's waiting for the Kubernetes API to return the list of pods. Once the list pods is returned, get_my_pods will notify its executor that it is ready to be polled again. The executor will then resume the execution of the function and continue until the next await point. This process will continue until the second await point is reached. The code in the state 2 will be executed synchronously everything up to the second await point. And again the function will return the Pending state because it's waiting for the Kubernetes API to return. Once the list pods is returned, get_my_pods will notify its executor that it is ready to be polled again. On the third state the rest of the code will be executed synchronously and the function will return the Ready state as we are at the end of the function.

Now we know how the async/await syntax works, now let's try to call the get_my_pods function from the main function.

If we try to call the get_my_pods function from the main function, we will get a compiler error:

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

You will get a warning which states that futures do nothing unless you .await or poll them. So let's try to await the function:

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

Now we get a compiler error which states that await is only allowed in async functions. So let's make the main function async:

async fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

Now we get a compiler error which states that main is not allowed to be async.

So how do we call an async function from the main function? Futures can be driven to completion in two ways:

  1. By awaiting them.
  2. Or manually polling them until they are ready.

On futures inside other futures, we can use the await keyword. But if we want to call an async function from the top most level of our program, we need to manually poll the future until it is ready. That code is called a runtime or an executor.

A runtime is responsible for polling the top level futures until they are ready. It is also responsible for running multiple futures in parallel. The standard library does not provide a runtime, but there are many community built runtimes available. We will use the most popular one called tokio in this tutorial.

What Is Tokio?

Tokio is an asynchronous runtime for the Rust ๐Ÿฆ€ programming language. It provides the building blocks needed for writing network applications. It gives the flexibility to target a wide range of systems, from large servers with dozens of cores to small embedded devices.

At a high level, Tokio provides a few major components:

  • A multi-threaded runtime for executing asynchronous code.
  • An asynchronous version of the standard library.
  • A large ecosystem of libraries.

The advantage of using Tokio is that it is fast, reliable, easy to use and very flexible.

To add Tokio to our project, we need run the following command:

cargo add tokio --features full

This will add the tokio crate to our project and enable all the features.

Now we can use the attribute tokio::main macro to run our main function:

async fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

This specifies that the main function is an asynchronous function and will be executed by the Tokio runtime.

Let's run our program:

cargo run

You should see the following output:

Hello, world!
Get all my pods
Get all my pods in a namespace default
Got 0 pods
Get all my pods in a namespace kube-system
Got 9 pods

You can see that our print statements are printed in the order they are called. As mentioned before: Futures are lazy and do nothing unless you await them or poll them.

We can save the result of the get_my_pods function in a variable and call await on it later on:

async fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");
    let p = get_my_pods();
    println!("Where are my pods?");

Let's run our program again:

cargo run

You should see the following output:

Hello, world!
Where are my pods?
Get all my pods
Get all my pods in a namespace default
Got 0 pods
Get all my pods in a namespace kube-system
Got 9 pods

This time the println statement Where are my pods? is printed before the get_my_pods function is called.

On benefit of futures being lazy is that they are a zero cost abstraction. This means you won't incur a runtime cost unless you actually await the future. Another benefit is that you can cancel a future at any time. To cancel a future all you need to do is to stop polling it.

Currently, we are not taking advantage of the asynchronous nature of the get_my_pods function because everything is running serially. To make our run concurrently we can use a tokio task. A task is a lightweight non-blocking unit of execution.

Let's change the code to use a task. First we create an empty vector to store our task handles, and then we will create a loop with two iterations. In each iteration we will create a task and store the handle in the vector.

We are passing an async block to the spawn function. We can use the move keyword with the async block so that the async block can capture the variables from the outer scope. In this case we are capturing the i variable and pass it to the get_my_pods function.

At the end of the main we loop through the vector of task handles and call await on each of them.

async fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");
    let mut handles = vec![];
    for i in 0..2 {
        let handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
    for handle in handles {

async fn get_my_pods(i: i32) {
    println!("[{i}] Get all my pods");
    let pods1 = get_all_pods_in_namespace("default").await;
    println!("[{i}] Got {} pods", pods1.items.len());
    let pods2 = get_all_pods_in_namespace("kube-system").await;
    println!("[{i}] Got {} pods", pods2.items.len());

So let's run our program again:

cargo run

You should see the following output:

Hello, world!
[0] Get all my pods
Get all my pods in a namespace default
[1] Get all my pods
Get all my pods in a namespace default
[0] Got 0 pods
Get all my pods in a namespace kube-system
[1] Got 0 pods
Get all my pods in a namespace kube-system
[0] Got 9 pods
[1] Got 9 pods

You can see that the two tasks are running concurrently. By default, Tokio uses a thread pool to execute tasks. This allows tasks to execute tasks in parallel.

There is also the possibility to force tokio to run tasks on the same thread. This can be done by using the current_thread flavor of the tokio::main macro. This will cause threads to be executed concurrently using time slicing instead threads.

Wrapping Up

In this tutorial we learned how to use the async and await keywords to write asynchronous code. We also learned how to use the tokio as a runtime to execute our asynchronous code concurrently.

When you are dealing with asynchronous code you need to be aware that we are telling the runtime when a block of asynchronous code is ready to yield so that other tasks can be executed. This gives us ore control however it also puts more responsibility on us. We need to make sure that we are writing efficient code. For example, we don't want to put CPU intensive operations inside an asynchronous block because this will block the thread and prevent other tasks from being executed.

Further Reading
