How To Unit Test Your Helm Charts

How To Unit Test Your Helm Charts

With the help of helm-unittest and the AAA pattern


5 min read



In my current project, I have to write some Helm charts. And with time, the Helm charts are getting more and more packed with logic.

And as the complexity keeps on increasing as I use the template logic of Helm. While this comes in handy, it makes my chart more open to bugs or accidental changes in the logic (regression!). To avoid this, we can leverage unit tests similar we do when we write software! And solving operations problems with software is for me a very central aspect of a DevOps world!

Let's roll

The Template File To Test

First, we create a simple scenario, we would like to test. I create templated resources of the type Deployment and I want to test if the template logic is working correctly.

{{- if .Values.deployment.test.create }}
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: test
  name: test
  replicas: 1
      app: test
        app: test
      {{- if .Values.deployment.test.initContainers }}
        - name: busybox
          image: busybox
            - sleep
            - "3600"
      {{- end }}
      - image: nginx
        name: nginx
        resources: {}
{{- end }}

Let's go through the logic in this resource:

It will render the resource only if .Values.deployment.test.create is validated as a true value.

The next point is the init container. The initContainer property will only get rendered, when .Values.deployment.test.initContainers is set to true.

The values.yaml looks like this:

    create: true
    initContainers: true

If we run now our template command, we should get the following output:

helm template test .

# Source: node-red/templates/deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: test
  name: test
  replicas: 1
      app: test
        app: test
        - name: busybox
          image: busybox
            - sleep
            - "3600"
      - image: nginx
        name: nginx

This looks as expected. The Deployment gets created and there is an init container present.

But how we can guarantee, that in the future everything will stay as intended? We can not be sure, that everyone will run all the time the helm template command and check for the results. Think about, what happens if the file gets more complicated.

Time for our hero: UNIT TEST and his even partner CONTINUOUS TESTING

Write Some Tests


Before we can start, we need to install the helm unit test plugin from Quintush:

helm plugin install

Now we can start to work on the actual test.

First, you need to create a folder called tests inside your helm chart root folder. Our test suite file will be now placed under the tests/ directory with suffix _test.yaml.

In our example, we create a deployment_test.yaml with the following content:

suite: test nginx deployment
  - deployment.yaml

Now we can start to write the actual test jobs. We will follow here the **AAA pattern **from Unit Testing, Principles, Practices, and Patterns by Vladimir Khorikov

The **AAA **pattern is simple and provides a uniform structure for all tests in the suite. This uniform structure is one of its biggest advantages: once you get used to this pattern, you can read and understand the tests more easily. That, in turn, reduces the maintenance cost for your entire test suite.

  • The arrange section is where you set up the objects to be tested. You bring the system under test to a desired state.

  • The act section is where you act upon the system under test.

  • The assert section allows you to make claims about the outcome.

Here are our two test jobs in more detail:

  - it: deployment should render
      - isKind:
          of: Deployment
      - hasDocuments:
          count: 1

Let us see what the test is doing here:

  • Check that the kind of resource is a Deployment.

  • And that there is a document rendered.

If we execute the test with the helm unittest command, we get the following output:

❯ helm unittest charts/node-red

### Chart [ node-red ] charts/node-red

 PASS  test nginx deployment    charts/node-red/tests/deployment2_test.yaml

Charts:      1 passed, 1 total
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       1 passed, 1 total
Snapshot:    0 passed, 0 total
Time:        12.40997ms

Great! Everything is fine!

Let us add the test for the init container too:

  - it: init container should be present
      - ./values/deployment_values.yaml
      - isKind:
          of: Deployment
      - equal:
          path: spec.template.spec.initContainers[0].name
          value: busybox

Same as above, but with two differences:

  • we add test values.yaml to the test with the values property.

  • we check of the name of the init container is present

Let's run the test suite again:

 PASS  test nginx deployment    charts/node-red/tests/deployment2_test.yaml

Charts:      1 passed, 1 total
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       2 passed, 2 total
Snapshot:    0 passed, 0 total
Time:        14.037046ms

Sweet!, everything pass again!

Now let us assume, someone changed the default value of create to false:

❯ helm unittest charts/node-red

### Chart [ node-red ] charts/node-red

 FAIL  test nginx deployment    charts/node-red/tests/deployment2_test.yaml
        - deployment should render

                - asserts[0] `isKind` fail
                        Template:       node-red/templates/deployment-2.yaml

                - asserts[1] `hasDocuments` fail
                        Template:       node-red/templates/deployment-2.yaml
                        Expected documents count to be:

Charts:      1 failed, 0 passed, 1 total
Test Suites: 1 failed, 0 passed, 1 total
Tests:       1 failed, 1 passed, 2 total
Snapshot:    0 passed, 0 total
Time:        18.812819ms

Error: plugin "unittest" exited with error

We get direct feedback and can check, where the bug or regression gets introduced.


To enable continuous testing in your GitHub action, you just need to add this step into your pipeline, and you are good to go:

      - name: Run helm unittest
        run: |
          helm plugin install
          helm unittest charts/node-red -3

Final Thoughts

As we keep on adding additional features to our helm chart, unit testing is the way to assure us that we are not breaking some functionalities and adding some of these pesky bugs.
