Comparison of the distroless alpine image vs the standard alpine image

Comparison of the distroless alpine image vs the standard alpine image

With GoReleaser and Trivy


4 min read


In this article, I compare the creation of the container image for my project mineclt πŸ—Ί. I use GoReleaser

To create a container image with the help of GoReleaser we need to add the following part to the goreleaser.yaml configuration file:

  - image_templates: [ "{{ .ProjectName }}:{{ .Version }}-amd64" ]
    dockerfile: Dockerfile
    use: buildx
      - --platform=linux/amd64
      - --label=org.opencontainers.image.licenses=Apache-2.0
      - ... additional labels

Afterwards we create a Dockerfile in the root of the project folder:

FROM ...
COPY minectl \
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/minectl"]

GoReleaser Trivia: We are not building any go files in the Docker build phase, we are only copying the existing binary to the base image and set the ENTRYPOINT

Now we can run execute the goreleaser release with the following command.

goreleaser release --snapshot --skip-sign --rm-dist

After the release is created, we can then compare the size and vulnerabilities of both images. To scan the images, I am going to use OSS security tool Trivy.


The distroless project aims to provide minimal image without a shell or package managers and provide SBOM support and signatures for known provenance and more secure base images.

We will use the distroless/alpine-base image ( as base image in the Dockerfile.

trivy image
2022-08-19T12:24:49.880+0200    INFO    Need to update DB
2022-08-19T12:24:49.880+0200    INFO    DB Repository:
2022-08-19T12:24:49.880+0200    INFO    Downloading DB...
33.66 MiB / 33.66 MiB [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% 979.91 KiB p/s 35s
2022-08-19T12:25:27.427+0200    INFO    Vulnerability scanning is enabled
2022-08-19T12:25:27.427+0200    INFO    Secret scanning is enabled
2022-08-19T12:25:27.427+0200    INFO    If your scanning is slow, please try '--security-checks vuln' to disable secret scanning
2022-08-19T12:25:27.427+0200    INFO    Please see also for faster secret detection
2022-08-19T12:25:28.833+0200    INFO    Detected OS: alpine
2022-08-19T12:25:28.833+0200    INFO    Detecting Alpine vulnerabilities...
2022-08-19T12:25:28.834+0200    INFO    Number of language-specific files: 1
2022-08-19T12:25:28.834+0200    INFO    Detecting gobinary vulnerabilities... (alpine 3.16)

Total: 0 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)

usr/bin/minectl (gobinary)

Total: 2 (UNKNOWN: 1, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 1, CRITICAL: 0)

β”‚               Library               β”‚    Vulnerability    β”‚ Severity β”‚ Installed Version β”‚ Fixed Version β”‚                            Title                            β”‚
β”‚ β”‚ CVE-2022-21698      β”‚ HIGH     β”‚ v1.11.0           β”‚ 1.11.1        β”‚ prometheus/client_golang: Denial of service using           β”‚
β”‚                                     β”‚                     β”‚          β”‚                   β”‚               β”‚ InstrumentHandlerCounter                                    β”‚
β”‚                                     β”‚                     β”‚          β”‚                   β”‚               β”‚                  β”‚
β”‚                                     β”œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”Όβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€                   β”‚               β”œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€
β”‚                                     β”‚ GHSA-cg3q-j54f-5p7p β”‚ UNKNOWN  β”‚                   β”‚               β”‚ The Prometheus client_golang HTTP server is vulnerable to a β”‚
β”‚                                     β”‚                     β”‚          β”‚                   β”‚               β”‚ denial of                                                   β”‚
β”‚                                     β”‚                     β”‚          β”‚                   β”‚               β”‚ service attack...                                           β”‚
β”‚                                     β”‚                     β”‚          β”‚                   β”‚               β”‚           β”‚

Check the image size:

❯ docker images 
REPOSITORY                                                            TAG                                                                          IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE                                                v0.23.0-SNAPSHOT-arm64                                                       7dd5e274c34a   13 seconds ago   78.2MB                                                v0.23.0-SNAPSHOT-amd64                                                       0c28ff0969ab   17 seconds ago   81.6MB

Le us check the layers with the help of dive. We can see that the base image of distroless is slightly larger than the one from alpine


Strangly I could still use the shell and apk in the distroless image. Maybe I did something wrong here?

❯ docker run --entrypoint sh -it
/ # apk
apk-tools 2.12.9, compiled for x86_64.


I use here the official Alpine Linux Docker image with a whooping size of 5MB.

We use the alpine:3.16.2 image (alpine@sha256:bc41182d7ef5ffc53a40b044e725193bc10142a1243f395ee852a8d9730fc2ad) as base image in the Dockerfile

trivy image                                                         
2022-08-19T12:35:23.813+0200    INFO    Vulnerability scanning is enabled
2022-08-19T12:35:23.813+0200    INFO    Secret scanning is enabled
2022-08-19T12:35:23.813+0200    INFO    If your scanning is slow, please try '--security-checks vuln' to disable secret scanning
2022-08-19T12:35:23.813+0200    INFO    Please see also for faster secret detection
2022-08-19T12:35:25.072+0200    INFO    Detected OS: alpine
2022-08-19T12:35:25.072+0200    INFO    Detecting Alpine vulnerabilities...
2022-08-19T12:35:25.072+0200    INFO    Number of language-specific files: 1
2022-08-19T12:35:25.072+0200    INFO    Detecting gobinary vulnerabilities... (alpine 3.16.2)

Total: 0 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)

usr/bin/minectl (gobinary)

Total: 2 (UNKNOWN: 1, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 1, CRITICAL: 0)

β”‚               Library               β”‚    Vulnerability    β”‚ Severity β”‚ Installed Version β”‚ Fixed Version β”‚                            Title                            β”‚
β”‚ β”‚ CVE-2022-21698      β”‚ HIGH     β”‚ v1.11.0           β”‚ 1.11.1        β”‚ prometheus/client_golang: Denial of service using           β”‚
β”‚                                     β”‚                     β”‚          β”‚                   β”‚               β”‚ InstrumentHandlerCounter                                    β”‚
β”‚                                     β”‚                     β”‚          β”‚                   β”‚               β”‚                  β”‚
β”‚                                     β”œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”Όβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€                   β”‚               β”œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€
β”‚                                     β”‚ GHSA-cg3q-j54f-5p7p β”‚ UNKNOWN  β”‚                   β”‚               β”‚ The Prometheus client_golang HTTP server is vulnerable to a β”‚
β”‚                                     β”‚                     β”‚          β”‚                   β”‚               β”‚ denial of                                                   β”‚
β”‚                                     β”‚                     β”‚          β”‚                   β”‚               β”‚ service attack...                                           β”‚
β”‚                                     β”‚                     β”‚          β”‚                   β”‚               β”‚           β”‚

Check the image size:

❯ docker images    
REPOSITORY                                                            TAG                                                                          IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE                                                v0.23.0-SNAPSHOT-arm64                                                       74fe045a62a9   2 minutes ago    74.8MB                                                v0.23.0-SNAPSHOT-amd64                                                       e5986e55995b   2 minutes ago    78MB

And take a look with dive



As we could see, there is no difference in the amount of vulnerabilities Triviy found and the slightly larger image size with distroless is negligible.

For my personal projects I will switch to the distroless project, as I really like that they use apko and melange to create the base images and SBOM support and signatures is already active and in use!